Oral historical studies of Historical Memory in the conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine
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Abstract. Purpose – by conducting interviews within the project «Countering the Historical Policy of the Aggressor Country (RF) in the Process of Deoccupation of Ukrainian Territories» to expand the source base about the state of historical memory in the Donbas. The main method used was conducting interviews based on a developed questionnaire and subsequent transcription. The scientific novelty lies in publishing valuable testimonies of an eyewitness to Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine and examining the subjective perception by Donbas residents of the causes of this tragedy. Conclusions. The conducted interview is a component of the source base for oral historical research of Ukraine’s modern history. The narrator detailed the local residents’ attitudes towards different historical periods and named their geortological preferences. The region’s apolitical nature, its fixation on material goods, and the low national consciousness of the silent majority led to the easy spread of «Russian world» ideas. According to Donbas residents, the reintegration of historical consciousness requires an emphasis on local heroes and events directly related to the history of Ukraine.
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