Memorial legislation of the Russian Federation as occupation policy tool: historical and legal analysis (Part IІ. Evolution and essence of Russian memorial legislation)

Main Article Content

K. Ivangorodsky


Abstract. The goal is to analyze the stages of development and the historical and legal essence of the Russian Federation memorial legislation as a tool of the Kremlin's occupation policy, in particular in the Ukrainian territories seized since 2014, with the aim to clarify the legitimating potential of the relevant regulatory and legal acts, establishing the degree of their legal imperfection and historical legal error.

Scientific novelty. Russian memorial policy is focused on anti-Nazi legislation, in which criminal and administrative articles for the rehabilitation of Nazism, insulting war memory, and denial of historical truth repeatedly appeared, were supplemented, and constantly became more brutal. The memorial law of 2014 was the result of V. Putin's personal efforts to manage historical interpretations. In 2020, the Kremlin's official historical narrative was enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This change in the act of higher legal power for the first time in world practice normatively raised the issue of protection of historical truth by means of the national legal system. In this way, the monopoly of the Russian state on historical truth is clearly established. Bringing the memorial legislation of the Russian Federation to the constitutional level was the symbolic step that has equated historical expression with political action.

The segment of memorial legislation in the Russian Federation also includes relevant measures aimed at censorship of historical memory. Russian humanitarianism characterizes the modern memorial legislation of the Russian Federation quite ambiguously: some researchers are categorically against it, rightly emphasizing the democratic underdevelopment of Russia, while another group, on the contrary, fully supports the relevant Kremlin initiatives. The aggressiveness of the Russian memorial legislation contains considerable danger both for the development of historical science in Russia and for the work of professional historians there. In addition to the socio-political context, the memorial legislation of the Russian Federation has a number of significant shortcomings and contradictions in the field of purely legal application. First of all, from the point of view of legal science, the legal regulation in the field of historical research and collective memory is quite questionable.

Conclusions. Modern Russian memorial legislation is a political phenomenon rather than a legal one, and is aimed at solving the current tasks declared by the Kremlin dictator, as well as at satisfying his neo-imperial delusions. Memorial legislation of the Russian Federation is a political tool for establishing a state monopoly on “historical truth” and reflects the desire of the helmsman of this state to completely control the historical narrative and impose his own historical canon not only on his subjects, but also on neighboring states. This politics of memory is based on the “myth of the war”, which is designed to keep the former Soviet republics and, above all, Ukraine, which is moving further and further to the European Union, from the Russian orbit. Awareness of the specifics of Russian memorial legislation allow, in the end, make it possible to build more efficient model of de-occupation of Ukrainian territories, in particular, in the field of memory policy.

Article Details

Author Biography

K. Ivangorodsky

Ivangorodsky KostiantynPhD hab. (History), Professor of Department of History of Ukraine, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine


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