Communication in the earth environment at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century: veterinary case (based on the materials of the Zolotony district of Poltava governance)

Main Article Content

O. Sylka


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight the historical specifics of the formation of communication networks between administrative-territorial levels in the process of organizing the Zolotonsky Zemstvo Veterinary of Poltava Province.

Scientific innovation. On the basis of reporting and statistical sources, the author highlighted for the first time the main milestones of the creation of veterinary and epizootic control in the Zolotonsky zemstvo of the Poltava province in the specified chronological period. The emergence of the veterinary care system is considered as the result of communication links between the state, provincial and district zemstvos.

Conclusions. At the beginning of the 20th century, veterinary medicine became part of the Zemstvo medical system. The organization of veterinary affairs in the Zolotonsky Zemstvo had its own peculiarities and took place in close cooperation with the state and the provincial Poltava Zemstvo. We define the organizational structure of veterinary medicine in Zolotonsky district as “mixed”, in which both the provincial and district zemstvos played an important role.


Article Details

Author Biography

O. Sylka

Sylka Oksana – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



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