The Regulatory support of the Country Educational Community activity in 1917 (Community «Kobzar» is used as a sample)


O. Sylka


Introduction. The contemporary tendency of active outburst and effective activity of separate social groups and social organizations in Ukrainian society has a historical background. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a process of forming the civil society in the Russian Empire; a part of Ukrainian territory belonged to the latter. In this connection, the investigations of the background of the appearance, development, functioning of the different directions of civil organizations are urgent as one of the criteria of the society formation. As a rule, the majority of Ukrainian statute communities’ activity was aimed for being extended and actualized in the town. The country public organizations were not distinguished as a separate, special and unique stratum of public initiative. Studying the background and specificity of the country population interests realization gives the opportunity of understanding not only public, cultural, moral priorities of the past, but the special features of contemporary functioning of voluntary statutory communities. Such a specific approach gained some kind of characteristic nuance in 1917.

Purpose. The mass opening of the country educational organizations in Ukraine was recorded that took the name of «Enlightenment». It was connected with the changes of socially-political guidelines in the Russian Empire, and according to the changes in the organized culturally-educational civil movement. Given this, the proposed study was aimed at showing the basic and fundamental principles that were the background of founding and rising of the country study community activity. They were assured it was impossible to renew the objective history of statute public unions in Ukraine without working out the regional material.

Results. The «Statute» was the main document that determined the functioning of Kyrylivka country public association «Kobzar». This document was a base for systematization of the data, using such criteria: the name of organization; the aim of it; the tendencies of activity; the full names of the Organization founders; the way of entry into the Community and the conditions of determination of a membership; amount of membership dues and the means of the payment; the staff of the management, the way of its formation; the questions that should be examined; the time and the procedure of convocation the common meeting of the Organization members; the means of introduction of the report documentation and modifications of the «Statute» regulations.

Originality. The activity of organizations occurred within a village administrative, economical and cultural surroundings and they were at the same time the part of typological chain and element of common chain of public organizations, the studies of that have been topical from the point of view of the realization the citizens’ right for protection of their own interests.


Conclusion. One of the periods of Ukrainian educational movement rise occurred in 1917. There were the unions of an educational type and they were aimed at solving the real social problems. Ukrainian national republic legislation permitted making legal the village “Enlightenment”. The facts of registration and activity of such a kind of organizations is recognized as an example of public activity; it happened in the conditions of unstable socially-economical and political state. 




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