Dynamics of historical memory in the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion into Ukraine in 2022

Main Article Content

Yu. Nikolaiets


Introduction. The article identifies the main factors that influenced the dynamics of historical memory in Ukraine after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in 2022. The actions of Russian troops led to many deaths and destruction in Donbas and other regions of Ukraine. This events contributed to change in the views of the Ukrainian population on Russian-Ukrainian relations and a reassessment of many phenomena of Ukrainian history.

Purpose. The purpose of study is to determine the influence of Russian aggression on the construction of historical myths about the «primordial friendship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples», about the Russian and Ukrainian peoples as a «single people», as well as about the «power of Russian weapons» and the «historical region Novorossiya».

Methods. Author used the sociological method, content analysis, comparative, system-structural method.

Results. Russian’s aggression against Ukraine in 2022 significantly influenced the «derussification» of public opinion in Ukraine. The participation of Ukrainian women in hostilities contributed to the formation of the newest image of a woman warrior.

Originality. Author determined the dependence of the attitude of Ukrainian citizens to historical events and figures on the deployment and nature of hostilities. The influence of state policy of memory on the formation of «places of memory» and commemoration of citizens who distinguished themselves during the organization of repelling the aggressor was determined. The main reasons for Ukraine’s refusal to victimize its own history have been identified. The nature of the formation of historical memory in the conditions of the unification of the Ukrainian civil nation to counter the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation is determined.

Conclusions. Citizens of Ukraine stopped the «second army of the world». Ukraine needs to abandon the victimization of its own history. Ukraine needs the perpetuation of achievements in the way of state building and protection of the unity and territorial integrity of the state.

Article Details

Author Biography

Yu. Nikolaiets

Nikolaiets Yurii – PhD hab. (History), Full Professor, Leading Researcher of Department of modern political culture and ideology Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I. F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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