Ukrainian Klio on the pages of a Polish journal «Kwartalnik Historyczny» (1918–1939)

Main Article Content

L. Lazurko
O. Vladyha


Abstract. Introduction. It is impossible to form a complete picture of the Ukrainian historical science of the interwar period without taking into account how its images were deposited in the historiography of neighboring nations. In this context, the historical science of Poland as a state that had a common past with us and waged an active struggle for this historical heritage is very indicative in this context. An important representative of Polish historiography of the specified period is the magazine "Kwartalnik Historyczny", which was published in Lviv during 1887–1939.

The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity, verification, authorial objectivity using general scientific and special-historical methods.

The scientific novelty is that for the first time the image of Ukrainian historical science of the interwar period, which was laid down on the pages of the journal «Kwartalnik Historyczny», was investigated.

Research results. The problem of presenting Ukrainian historical science in the columns of «Kwartalnik Historyczny» in the first years of the interwar period is closely related to the aggravation of the military-political struggle between Poles and Ukrainians. Also, after Poland gained independence, the goals and objectives of the national historical science changed and its reorientation to the problems of its own past took place. This was reflected in the columns of the journal, whose collaborators continued until the middle of the 20s of the 20th century are beginning to pay attention to the post-war work of Ukrainian historians who were first associated with Lviv (representatives of the school of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi). It is obvious that such a situation was caused not only by the destruction of scientific contacts with the Dnieper Ukraine, but also by the problems of reconstruction and organization of the latter's historical science. It was not until the beginning of the next decade that the first attempts to present the current state of affairs in all research centers of Ukrainian historical science, to paint its holistic image, appeared in the journal «Kwartalnik Historyczny». Evidence of the openness and national tolerance of the magazine's editorial policy was the invitation to collaborate with Ukrainian authors: M. Andrusyak, V. Zaikin, M. Korduba. In general, the editors of the journal «Kwartalnik Historyczny» tried to maintain objectivity in evaluating Ukrainian historiographical products, which was traditionally inherent in the editorial policy of the journal, aimed at defending high standards of conducting historical research in the spirit of positivism even in the interwar period.

Article Details

Author Biographies

L. Lazurko

Lazurko Lidiia – PhD hab. (History), Professor of History of Ukraine, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

O. Vladyha

Vladyha Olga – PhD (History), Associate Professor of Lviv Professional College of Computer Technologies and Building


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