Media discourse as a factor of influence on the formation of political values of the population of South and Eastern Ukraine in 2014–2021

Main Article Content

Yu. Nikolaiets


Abstract. Introduction. The technical possibility of imposing values has made relevant in the XXI century, the conduct of information and psychological operations, the purpose of which was to ensure certain socio-psychological effects. The implementation of such operations proved to be both a component of the Russian Federation’s implementation of aggressive plans against Ukraine and an important means of organizing a rebuff to the aggressor.

Purpose of the publication is to determine the nature of the influence of modern media resources on the formation of political values of the population of the South and East of Ukraine and to identify means to resist Russia in the information war.

Results. The article describes the Russian-centric and Ukrainian-centric media discourses of 2014–2021 with an analysis of their general topics. The primary means of forming media resources of political values of the population of the South and East of Ukraine are highlighted. Changes in the structure of media resources consumption and their causes and consequences are identified. Based on the analysis of the content of messages, the periods that characterise the qualitative changes of Russian-centric and Ukrainian-centric media discourses are outlined. Recommendations designed to improve Ukraine’s information policy during the Russian-Ukrainian war have been identified. It was determined that the unsuccessful attempt to proclaim “people’s republics” in the East and South of Ukraine testified to the defeat of the “Russian Spring”. An obstacle to the implementation of Russia’s aggressive plans was the deployment of volunteer movements, which reflected the willingness of citizens to defend their country. The vast majority of the population was determined in its attitude to the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014 and has not changed to this day. Ukrainian society has demonstrated that in times of severe foreign policy threats, it can accumulate a powerful domestic resource and demonstrate rational responses to the challenges of the times, as well as produce content that is understandable and acceptable to the country’s patriots. Ukrainian-centric discourse is characterised by a categorical rejection of the assertion of a civil war in Ukraine. The beginning of hostilities is rightly connected with the implementation of Russia’s aggressive plans against Ukraine. The purpose of the aggression is not only to oppose Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations but also to try to eliminate Ukrainian statehood. But the influence of the Ukrainian-centric discourse on the formation of value orientations of the population of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine was insufficient. It can be assumed that the influence of the Russian media is the reason why a relatively large part of the population of the South and East of Ukraine opposed the European and Euro-Atlantic orientation of the state in foreign policy. This can also explain the belief that the war in Donbass is an “internal Ukrainian conflict” provoked by the West.

Conclusion. Insufficient attention of the Ukrainian authorities to the information problems of the region remains obvious. The structure of the media space in eastern and southern Ukraine remained heterogeneous. In the border areas, Russia was still able to broadcast a favourable position on a wide range of issues. This explains that the population of the South and East of Ukraine was more inclined than residents of other regions to accept and disseminate Russian interpretations of political events and assessments of the work of individual politicians. Therefore, to form a more effective information policy, state coordination of the efforts of law enforcement agencies (including their analytical units), research institutions and organisations, government agencies and civil society is essential. Such coordination will allow the formation of both permanent and temporary working groups, able not only to respond flexibly to allegations of hostile propaganda but also to act on prejudice with the construction of a comfortable information environment for the patriots of Ukraine. It will also create a robust discourse aimed at forming a positive attitude towards Ukraine as a state capable of providing a decent rebuff to the enemy, ensuring stable economic development and raising the living standards of citizens.

Article Details

Author Biography

Yu. Nikolaiets

Nikolaiets Yurii – PhD hab. (History), Full Professor, Leading Researcher of Department of modern political culture and ideology Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I. F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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