Activity of «artisanal father» Mykola Levytskyy during World War I

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I. Fareniy


The article deals with cooperative activities world-famous figure called «artisanal father» Mykola Levytskyy, in the World War I. His activity in this period was determined by the some personal aspects. In 1904, in Elisavetgrad he organized gang shoemakers, who were able to find a place in the supply of military forces of the Russian Empire and performed annually orders for making tens of thousands of pairs of boots for the army and tailoring military uniforms for Odessa, Warsaw and Kazan military districts.During the World War I military cooperation continued. In Elisavetgrad worked Chobotarska, shapkarska, clothing, shoes cooperatives and four sewing clothes. They performed military orders and made tens of thousands of pairs of boots and shoes for the wounded in hospital, hundreds of thousands of caps and underwear sets. Mykola was also a sincere supporters of artisanal business. During the war Mykola Levytskyy engaged in extensive organizational and public work, participated in various congresses, meetings, delegation. In particular, attended the meeting convened by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to address issues of improving the legislation on migrant farms. Much time was devoted to serving the project of national cooperative structures that would protect national economic interests. Cooperative public Mykola Levytskyy delegated urge the Government of the Russian empire registration statutes Ukrainian national cooperative unions.

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