Foreign trade as constituent of international relations of the states of Ancient East

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O. Titika


Abstract. Purpose. An aim to define a role and place of foreign trade as a basic form of economic connections in the intergovernmental relations of the states of Ancient East belongs in the article. The estimation of her scales and forms is given during all concrete chronologic stages of development of both separate regions and the states and all a long ago east civilization. Scientific novelty.Taking into account absence in home historiography of the special publications from the declared problem research results will give an opportunity to complement knowledge from history of Ancient East as integral and multidimensional phenomenon. Conclusions. It is established, that development of foreign trade connections between the states and civilizations of Ancient East was accompanied by stabilizing, firmness and systematic character, showed a soba the system of mutual relations of countries productive capital goods, and countries the production of facilities of consumption prevailed in the economy of that.

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Author Biography

O. Titika

Olena TITIKA – candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of World History and International Relations, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine



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