Historical and church issues in the research of Vyacheslav Zayikyn

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D. Khomenko


Abstract. The aim of the article is to highlight the scientific studies of V. Zayikyn, dedicated to the research of the history of Christianity in Ukrainian lands during the medieval and modern periods. Scientific novelty. The proposed article contributes to the scientific reconstruction of the intellectual biography of V. Zayikyn as a church historian. The article analyzes the historian's view on the reasons for the spread of Christianity during the medieval period. It was found that the scholar’s research prominently features the study of the conciliarism of the Ukrainian church and the role of brotherhoods in its formation. The methodological basis of the study consists of biographical strategies, the general scientific systematic method, and the analysis of various factual layers necessary for constructing the intellectual biography of V. Zayikyn. The originality of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of V. Zayikyn’s published material and manuscript heritage on the history of religion and the church in Ukrainian lands. Conclusions. It was revealed that V. Zayikyn’s works on church history reflect both the general processes of the development of religious life that occurred in Ukraine and beyond during the medieval and modern periods, as well as the achievements of individual prominent figures in the religious and state spheres of this period. V. Zayikyn considered the events of religious life in Ukraine through the prism of national revival, highly appreciating the transformations in the church sphere that took place during the reign of Princes Volodymyr and Sviatoslav and criticizing the church autocephaly of the Ukrainian Revolution period of 1917–1921 when the church became an instrument of power.

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Author Biography

D. Khomenko

Denys KHOMENKO – PhD Student, Lecturer of the Department of Ukraine History of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine



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