Myron Korduba and “Ukraine” magazine: specifics of cooperation

Main Article Content

T. Batiuk
L. Syniavska


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of M. Korduba's cooperation with the Kyiv magazine “Ukraine” during the second half of the 1920s. The research methodology is based on the combination of principles traditional for historiographic works (historicism, objectivity, holism and systematicity, as well as a value approach to the object of study) and general scientific (comparison, generalization, analysis and synthesis) and special-historical (historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological and historical-psychological) methods of scientific work. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that, for the first time, the activity of the historian as the author of the magazine “Ukraine” has been comprehensively reconstructed. Conclusions. Summing up the cooperation of M. Korduba with the magazine “Ukraine”, we will point out his devotion to the ideals of the Council, formed under the influence of M. Hrushevsky in his youth. After all, despite being overloaded with numerous public duties and the need to find a daily income, he was aware of the need to establish a cultural dialogue between Ukrainians divided by the Zbruch border and gladly responded to the teacher's proposal for cooperation. While preparing research for “Ukraine”, the Galician scientist demonstrated the breadth of his creative range. Thus, M. Korduba's analytical studies, prepared on the basis of little-known sources, focused on previously unknown facts of intellectual cooperation between Ukrainians under Russian and Austrian rule. In this way, the scientist proved the necessity and possibility of cultural synergy under the conditions of national disunity. In turn, M. Korduba's reviews and chronicles were designed to introduce the novelties of the Ukrainian studies movement that appeared in the Western world. Thanks to this, the people of Transnistria, who were limited in the possibilities of international communication, promptly received important information about current trends in socio-humanitarianism. Considering this, M. Korduba's cooperation with “Ukraine” is an important event of his intellectual biography.

Article Details

Author Biographies

T. Batiuk

Taras BATIUK – PhD (History), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor at the Departament of Ukrainian History Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

L. Syniavska

Larysa SYNIAVSKA – Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Department of History of Ukraine, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine



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