Formation of experience: the phenomenological aspect of historical reality

Main Article Content

P. Kretov
O. Kretova


Abstract. The article examines the problems of transformation of basic approaches to historical reality, historical narrative, historical discourse. The phenomenon of historical reality is interpreted from the perspective of the phenomenological tradition in Western philosophy of the 20th century.

                The purpose of the article is to outline the modern transformations of the phenomenological issues of experience formation in accordance with historical knowledge and discourse, as well as linguistic mechanisms of the formation of the world picture.

                The scientific novelty of the research results consists in outlining the cognitive potential of using the phenomenological approach to the historical narrative and the corresponding system of discourses in the context of the search for humanitarianism in the first quarter of the 21st century.

Conclusions. Phenomenological methodology and guidelines for overcoming the limitations of the subject-object dichotomy in humanitarianism in general and in the philosophy of history in particular are quite relevant. The heuristically interpreted category of experience is universal regarding the perception of historical reality by a cognitive agent. The psycho-affective sphere of consciousness and social emotions can be considered as a trigger for a phenomenological approach to historical narratives, discourses and language practices. Experiencing and making sense of history within consciousness has a symbolic character, and historical experience is conceptualized in narrative and discourse. The phenomenological vision of historical reality as a component of individual and collective consciousness, collective imagination and public opinion is quite promising. The phenomenological approach is relevant not only for public history and the collective memory of society, but also for the transformation of history as an academic discipline. Also important is the phenomenological experience of historical reality for the formation of identities at all levels, as well as resistance to post-truth techniques within the modern media space as a horizon of meanings of a modern person in conditions of digitalization.


Article Details

Author Biographies

P. Kretov

Kretov Pavlo – PhD (Philosophy), associate professor, associate professor of the department of philosophy, social and political sciences Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine

O. Kretova

Kretova Olena – PhD (Pedagogy), associate professor, associate professor of the department of Slavic philology, foreign literature and teaching methods, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine



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