Middle Dnipro Territory – sources of Ukrainian national revolution of mid XVII century

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Anatoly Yuzefovych CHABAN


Introduction. This research paper is based on the thorough study of actual historical documents and recent research studies. Its objective is to analyze the role and significance of the Middle Dnipro Territory population in the conception of revolutionary events of mid XVII century. The paper studies why Middle Dnipro Territory happened to be in the center of severe oppression by Polish nobility during so called «golden decade». It is stated in the paper that it became possible as a result of execution of imperial doctrine of Rech Pospolita in regards to Ukrainian territories.

More severe oppression of Middle Dnipro Territory population was executed by the Polish power in all domains – economic, political, religious, and cultural. Considering the Middle Dnipro Territory is a cradle of the Ukrainian Kozak movement, as the first kozak-peasant rebellions took place here at the end of XVI – first quarter of XVII century, more severe oppression was executed towards all kozak representative, such as reestr kozaks, low kozaks, town kozaks.


This research concludes that the Middle Dnipro Territory served as a cradle of Ukrainian national revolutionary movement of mid XVII century.

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