Theory of Human History by Semen Desnytskyi (to the origins of the scientific methodology of cognition of the historical process

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I. Fareniy


Abstract. Introduction. Famous Ukrainian and Russian scientist of the XVIII century. Semen Desnytskyi is characterized in the scientific literature as a jurist and economist. In the context of his legal, political and economic views, the theory of the historical process developed by him is also considered. There is a need for a special study of this theory, which is known as the theory of states of the human race.

Purpose of the articles – a detailed coverage of the theory of human history by Semen Desnytskyi.

Results. Desnytskyi believed that all phenomena of nature and society are constantly evolving. Therefore, peoples and countries cannot be safe from troubles and lack of prospects for their existence.

Desnytskyi defined the type of economic activity as a criterion for the success of peoples. He singled out four states of social organization of mankind: the initial, when people live by hunting and gathering, the next state, which exists through livestock breeding, the third - farming, and the fourth state, the scientist called commercial, characterized by developed trade, handicrafts, manufacturing. In the movement from one state to the next is the meaning and well-being of mankind. These states of development with the appropriate type of economic activity determine their rule, laws and traditions, determine the level of achievement in science and art.

The transition from state to state, the general movement of human history, the scientist explained the need to satisfy his «desire» – the process of relentless formation of human needs. The latter are generated by the fear of the danger of deteriorating living conditions or even the absence of their progress.

Semen Desnytskyi’s theory is obviously related to Adam Smith’s scientific experiments, which explain the origin of various social strata and cultural and everyday features of people from their property and economic status.

Originality. The article deals with the theory of human history by Semen Desnytskyi.

Conclusion. Desnytskyi’s theory of the states of the human race is based on the intellectual achievements of the XVIII century, primarily the achievements of Adam Smith. The essence of this theory is to recognize the economy and property rights as the main criterion for the progress of mankind and the conditionality of all spheres of social life by shifts in economic progress.

Semen Desnytskyi’s theory is one of the first scientific doctrines about the history of mankind. Long before French romantic historiography, Marxism, the theory of economic cycles and the positivist theories of industrial and post-industrial society, the theory of worlds-economies, the scientist came to the conclusion that the economic factor played a decisive role in history.

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Author Biography

I. Fareniy

Fareniy Igor – Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Professor of Department of Archaeology and special spheres of historical science of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, (Cherkasy,Ukraine)


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