Cultural and public activity of Maria Hrushevska (Voyakovska) in the late nineteenth – early twentieth century

Main Article Content

S. Zhuravlov


The aim of the article is to comprehensively study the cultural and social work of Maria Hrushevska in the late nineteenth – early twentieth century. Summarising our observations on the cultural, educational and social activities of M. Hrushevska during the late nineteenth – early twentieth century, we would like to single out a few points. Firstly, the scholar demonstrated initiative and purposefulness manifested in steady personal growth, regardless of the unfavourable life circumstances. Secondly, Maria Silvestrivna demonstrated a diversity of intellectual interests and proved herself as a translator, cultural and public life organiser, and as a talented teacher. Thirdly, the sacrifice of Maria Hrushevska, her understanding of the need to fully support her husband Mykhailo Hrushevsky in his service to Ukrainians enabled the success of various national projects of the Great Ukrainian.

Article Details

Author Biography

S. Zhuravlov

Zhuravlov Sviatoslav – PhD (History), Junior researcher at the Department of source studies of Modern History of Ukraine, Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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