Actualization of the «Rusyn issue» in Сroatia at the beginning of the ХХІ century: origins and consequences

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Galyna Sagan


Introduction. The international authority of our state, political responsibility before the titular nation and even the territorial integrity of the country is directly dependent on Ukraine’s cooperation with its diasporas. After all, the diaspora is a very powerful promoter of Ukraine’s state interests in foreign countries. Considering this, for scientists, it is important to study all the processes that occur in the life of foreign Ukrainians. Separatist tendencies, which have recently been observed in the Ukrainian diaspora, undoubtedly have a negative impact on our country. To neutralize and prevent them in the future, it is necessary to study the life of the diaspora in details. Particular attention should be paid to the always active diaspora of Ukrainians in the Balkans – now these are several centers that exist in the newly independent countries that emerged on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. One of the most powerful is the Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia.

Purpose of this study is to analyze the current activities of the Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia to reveal the reasons for the split in the diaspora. To argue why the centrifugal sentiments of some Rusyns are politically motivated.

Methods. In the article are used the following methods: analysis and synthesis, logical, critical, historical method, comparative, descriptive.

Results. The split that took place in the environment of before unified Ukrainian diaspora, became the result of political intrigues and unhealthy ambitions of individual diaspora leaders. This problem has a purely political background.

Originality. Through the analysis of the historical past, the studies of philologists and ethnographers have proved the fallacy of the assertion of some scientists and the diasporans about the separability of Rusyn ethnicity.

Conclusion. An analysis of the Rusyn and Ukrainian communities’ activities in Croatia over recent years provides grounds for the following conclusions. Croatian Ukrainians not only actively support their national identity, but also cooperate with Croatian state organizations and the Embassy of Ukraine in Croatia; honor all holidays and memorable events of both Croatia and Ukraine; demonstrate sympathy for modern events in Ukraine, materially and spiritually help the soldiers of the Antiterrorist operation and their children. The Rusyns of Croatia cooperate with Croatian state organizations and the Embassy of Ukraine in Croatia; all their artistic and social activities are aimed at affirming the idea that Rusyns are a separate people with their own language, songs, dances, etc., and not a single mention of their roots, their original homeland. Let’s hope that both groups of the Ukrainian national minority in Croatia, despite various political and national provocations, will restore their cooperation, stop searching for the reasons for their separateness, overcome secessionist ambitions and take care of the further preservation of their identity and acquaint the world with the rich Ukrainian culture. In this context, it is important the Ukraine’s position, its policy on preserving numerous diasporas, including the oldest one – in the Balkans.

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