Balts component in the Concept of East Slavic ethnogenesis by Valentin Sedov

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Kostiantyn Ivangorodsky


Introduction. The ethnic specific of East Slav associations never lost the scientific actuality, without regard to the enormous studios devoted to this problem. It must be noticed their quality is not always proper. Speed evolution of modern post-soviet national historiography has outlined practically complete ignoring each other’s ideological field. Absence of such approach is undoubted, that is why there is the necessity of more attentive analysis of modern authors looks, among them - Russian. In modern Russian historiography there are researchers that try to modernize the soviet version of ethnogenesis of east slavs, although the new facts and approaches attracted by them certify complete methodological inadequacy of «Old-russian nationality» theory. Conception of the known Russian archaeologist Valentine Sedov (1924–2004) belongs to them.

Purpose. In the article the brought analysis over of conception of Slavic етногенезу of V. Sedov in that her part that is sanctified to influence on this process of балтів. In particular and on forming of ethnos of Belaruss, and also reception of this hypothesis by modern Russian historiography.

Results. To the factor of balts a researcher in all labours gave primary value, as considered justly, that problem of ethnogenesis of slavs and them early history can not be got to know it is isolated from historical processes that took place in the nearby regions of Europe, but initial history of slavs of closely is casebound with history of Celt, Germans, Scythians, Sarmats and balts. In one of the last interviews of V. Sedov said, that dreamed to write large research from ethnic history of balts, but, unfortunately, through death, already it did not go to court him to do it. However, he had time to publish as early as 1992 small labour by Latvian in Riga, sanctified to old balts. Mainly this range of problems is analysed to them in great numbers scientific studios. On ethnologic interpretation in the east slavs environment of medieval twenty-four hours there was the built and doctoral dissertation of V. Sedov (1967) a balts component. he first tried to distinguish balts substrat in medieval Slavic artifacts. Essentially a scientist analysed forming of specific of east slavs on territory of modern Belarus and North-west of Russia, as a result of assimilation of local балтських tribes by slavs that moved here westerly.

Conclusion. The looks of V. Sedov are analysed in relation to participating of balts in forming of ethnos of Belaruss. Territory of Belarussian ethnogenesis from ancient times was sufficiently densely populated by associations that belonged to balts of ethnic language array and, as data of archaeology, hydronimic and anthropology testify, assimilated east slavs. The archaeological and linguistic sources brought over to the Moscow scientists to the study of Belarussian ethnogenesis on the whole brought him over to the appropriate conclusion about powerful influence of balts on this process. However in modern historiography far not all accede to the chart of early ethnic history of east slavs offered by him.

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