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Lesya Andriyvna KOVALSKA


Purpose. In the study of controversial historical processes and phenomena important element of subjective information carriers that of written historical sources constitute a separate group of sources of personal origin. Their significance lies in the establishment of interpersonal communication in evolutionary and existential whole and avtokomunikatsiyi. These sources show consistently the most individual process of self-awareness and development of interpersonal relationships. Study array of historical sources of personal origin and methods of analysis for information became the subject of research in general works with source and source-specific research. The purpose of Article defines systematization problem and identify informative historical sources of personal origin of source discourse within the Soviet partisan movement and underground war years.

Approach. A separate group of historical sources of personal origin on Soviet partisan movement and underground war years represented archival documents and published memoirs of participants. Figuring informative historical documents of personal origin involves the use of special methods of analysis.


The sources of personal origin partyzanschyny Soviet underground and official documents complement origin and is an important component of the source array with the history of Soviet resistance movement. It is noteworthy species diversity of personal documents set out the nature and subjectivity in them information that does not diminish their value, and complements the historical picture of personal characteristics.

Research consequences. Unlike the official nature of documents that consist by certain rules, documents of personal origin brightly reflecting individual traits of the author's perception of reality, and often contain data on the following facts and events that are not reflected in the business and official documentation.

Value. Group of historical sources of personal origin due to the subjective way of presenting information provides its own method of analysis of sources and carries historical information, which is not characteristic of other written sources

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