The main trends of development of modern bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland


Sergiy Bilan


Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes the problems of the latest bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, as well as the role of the Polish-Ukrainian partnership in the process of European integration as an object of international relations.

The purpose. The author has proved that contemporary Ukrainian-Polish relations are an example of tolerance and balance. Both countries were able to find a formula to overcome the negative stereotypes and stratifications that have developed over the centuries. At the same time, despite the heavy burden of historical grievances and memory, they built interstate relations on the principles of international law, respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity, and thereby brought relations to the level of strategic partnership.

Research results. At the same time, the author focuses on identifying the existing reserves and resources of the mutual development of Ukraine and Poland in the global economy and finding a worthy place for both states on the political map of a united Europe.

The author notes that modern globalization processes and geopolitical changes on a planetary and continental scale pose a number of new challenges for Ukraine and Poland related to maintaining positive bilateral relations achieved in previous years and further filling the doctrine of strategic partnership with real content. In this sense, the determination of the priorities of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the context of geopolitical configurations that are being formed at the beginning of the new millennium and will play a key role in global politics of the 21st century is of paramount importance.

Conclusion. In the context of the development of the Ukrainian-Polish strategic partnership in the modern system of geopolitical coordinates, the main priority for the two states is participation in political alliances in which Ukraine and Poland will be able to most fully and effectively realize their own national interests. First of all, the Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian geopolitical space is promising in the effective cooperation between Ukraine and Poland, given its global political importance, as well as the role that individual countries of this belt play in the modern world.




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