The Ukrainian Cossaks State in the works of Ukrainian’s Diaspora Historians


Anatoly Chaban


Introduction. The proposed study analyzes the works of scholars-historians of the Ukrainian diaspora on the emergence of state-making processes in the medieval era of Ukrainian history, the formation of the Ukrainian Cossack state in the middle of the XVII century, its activities and causes of decline.

This problem is of particular importance in our time, as the urgent issue is the deep and comprehensive coverage of the historiography of the events of 370 years ago, the origins, causes and goals of the national-democratic revolution of the mid-seventeenth century. That is why it is extremely urgent to highlight the scientific achievements of authoritative historians of the Ukrainian diaspora, which will allow to draw conclusions on the basis of a multichannel analysis of the works that studied and study this significant era of national history.

Formulation of the problem. In 2019, 370 years of the formation of the Ukrainian Cossack State, which resulted from the national-democratic revolution of the seventeenth century, were celebrated. The celebration of this event aroused considerable interest of both domestic and foreign researchers, who again and again return to the original base, the property of historical science of this important period of state formation of the Ukrainian people.

Scientists of the Ukrainian diaspora have made significant achievements in the study of the problems of the national-democratic revolution. Ukrainian foreign historiography, which is dedicated to the period of formation of the Ukrainian Cossack state - is a fairly significant phenomenon in the world historical literature. It was their views that at one time sounded the most revolutionary in relation to the dominant views of Soviet historiography at that time.

Results. In the proposed study "The Ukrainian Cossack State in the Studies of the Ukrainian Diaspora Historians" as a result of the study of the works of Ukrainian historians of the Ukrainian diaspora V. Lipynsky, D. Doroshenko, O. Ogloblin, N. Polonsky-Vasylenko, B. Krupnitsky, T. Matskiv, L. Vinara, F. Sysina, S. Velichenko we come to the conclusion that in their works the basic views on the origin and crystallization of the idea of statehood in the medieval era of the history of Ukraine were laid out, that the purpose of national-democratic revolution was creating their own Cossack State, not mythical, in the opinion of some Polish authors, "Khmelnitsky's own revenge" or "reunification of Ukraine by Russia", as the infamous theses for the 300th anniversary claimed.

Ukrainian foreign historiography, which is dedicated to the period of formation of the Ukrainian Cossack state - is a fairly significant phenomenon in the world historical literature. It was the views of prominent historians of the Ukrainian diaspora that at one time sounded the most revolutionary with regard to the views of Soviet historiography at the time and today they play a decisive role in the study of the causes, character, course of events of the national-democratic revolution of the mid-seventeenth century regarding creation and activities of the Ukrainian Cossack State.

According to the historical practice of today, the views of scholars-historians of the Ukrainian diaspora in the comprehensive study of the state-making processes of the mid-seventeenth century are taken into account and are an important and integral part of the contemporary historiographic process.




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