


The problem of coexistence in the occupied territory of Ukraine with representatives of the local population and the Wehrmacht occupation authorities are very relevant, because of the complexity and multidimensional nature of a number of important subjects previously stayed out of focus research search.

Analyzing the testimony of people who lived through the occupation of Ukraine in 1941–1944 author concludes that despite the fact that the main thrust of the Nazi «new order» in Ukraine was in its turn basic values of human civilization – the refusal of millions of people and whole people the right to life and it was a must for unquestioning execution, in practice there were cases when the machine gave the Nazi ideological failure and in relations between the occupiers and the local population won ordinary human relationships, that was a practical demonstration of counter racist Nazi propaganda. That is why human memory of the war and occupation, which is alive and painful theme is invaluable source that should be useful in the reproduction of human history everyday occupation 1941–1944.  It is in the light of such a family memory is deidealization War the modern young generation.





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