Organizational and legislative activity of the Union of liberation of Ukraine in the Ottoman Empire

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V. Lipach


The article deals with some aspects of organizational and legislative activities of the Union of liberation of Ukraine (SVU) on the territory of the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of World War I. The activities of the Permanent Mission of the Union in Istanbul, in particular its publishing projects, as well as measures for the formation of a positive perception of the Government of the Ottoman Empire, the idea of Ukrainian statehood recovery. The article traced the process of gradual change in attitude of the political elites of the Ottoman Empire to the Ukrainian question. The most important achievements of the SVU during the period of its existence were metioned. The author analyses the views of several researchers of this problem, in particular, Ukrainian, German, and Austrian scientists. Material update estimates of modern scholars that helps comprehensively consider the perspective of the subject and to formulate general conclusions concerning the organizational and legislative activities of the Union of liberation of Ukraine in the Ottoman Empire during the first world war. It is noted that activity of the SVU played a key role in the process of international recognition of the independent Ukraine and the European Community and establishing relations with the Ottoman Empire, which in turn actively supported the Union of liberation of Ukraine.

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