Organization and activity of colonial community in the Ukrainian district of the Russian Empire in the end of 19th – at the beginning of 20th

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V. Docenko


In the article on the basis of periodic and monographic literature analysis of the history of origin and Jewish Colonization Society’s activity is watched, they existed in the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian empire at the end of 19th – beginning of 20th century. Massacres of 1880-th caused mass emigration of Jewries from the Russian empire. Emigrants needed material and moral help. The Jewish public men to assist the emigration created Jewish Colonization Society. During 20 years Jewish Colonization Society managed to create in the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian empire the branching system of own departments and to open out philanthropic activity in organizing help for Jewish population of the land. Society, helping emigrants, helped Jewish trade education financially and material-and-technically, assisted creation the agricultural Jewish settlements in the South of Ukraine, actively credited the Jewish artisans and handicraftsmen. Before the World War I Society created its own network of Jewish trade education. Great success Society in the Russian empire attained in developing Jewish cooperation and organizing the slate-clubs for shopkeepers, artisans. With the beginning of the World War I programs that were realized by the departments of Society gradually coagulated and JCS actively joins into work to arrangement the Jewish moved out and refugees from Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus and Galychina.

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