World War I and national identities: state discourses about history

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D. Ischenko


The article is devoted to the state discourses on national history that were dominant before, during and after World War I. The main attention in this context is concentrated around the glorification of «common past», as well as the role of this practice in the evolution of national identities. The problem is actual for modern Ukraine. Nowadays the conception of proud of history must be created by scientists and professionals. State institutions with political accents must concentrate their powers to make conditions of working atmosphere. It is pointed out that studying of state practices that appeared before World War I and functioned after the war is necessary to make a clear point of view. It is also important to understand the relations and negotiations between state and society. The author comes to the conclusion that before the World War I state institutions used the discourse about past to provide them with loyalty of society. Such actions crystallized in practice of public ceremonies, building of monuments, creating of mass culture. After the war mentioned practices performed one of the state instruments to control society. 

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