G7–Italy: 50 years of cooperation in environmental policy
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Abstract. The purpose of the study is to investigate the evolution of the environmental policy of the G7 countries and trace its impact on Italy, which is a permanent member of the organization. The scientific novelty of the study lies in revealing the topic of the interaction of the environmental policy of the G7 and Italy in a historical context. The author focuses attention on the significance of the final declarations of the organization’s summits, which contain information on changes in international trends regarding the implementation of environmental policy. The study proposes dividing the history of G7 environmental policy into several periods. The originality of the research lies in the involvement of a significant number of sources from the history of the G7, as well as foreign research, which Ukrainian scientists have not previously consulted.
Conclusions. The environmental policy of the G7 is a product of consensus among the leaders of the member countries of the organization and defines only the general features of specific measures in this area. The main results of the agreements, as a rule, are reflected in the final declarations of the organization’s regular summits. The importance of this activity lies in the example that a group of the world’s most economically developed countries sets for all mankind. At the current stage, the G7 forum promotes environmental protection programs as an integral part of the overall concept of sustainable development. Italy’s participation in the G7, despite certain economic difficulties in the country’s development, is a significant reinforcing factor in ensuring the authority of the organization at the world level. The government and society of Italy traditionally have a high level of environmental awareness and always join any notable international initiatives in the field of environmental protection. It is this country that represents the G7 environmental protection programs in the Mediterranean region. In addition, the decision to abandon nuclear energy after the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant had a special impact on the socioeconomic development of the country. At the current stage, the Italian government, acting within the framework of the energy security concept approved in 2014, is trying to revive this industry with the help of other countries participating in the forum.
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