Formation of Ukrainian identity: theory and practice of the present
Main Article Content
Abstract. Purpose. The article examines the current views of Ukrainian scholars on such concepts as Ukrainian identity, historical memory and historical culture. The author focuses on the importance of the problem defining and self-determining national identity during the period of martial law in which the state is. Scientific novelty. The article analyses the relevant definitions proposed by scholars which are in the field of characterisation of the ‘nation’ concept. The definition by M. Stepyko is accepted as a working one, where the key point is ‘a historical community of people which appears in the process of establishing a common territory, economic ties, cultural and characteristic features’. The author emphasizes on the importance of historical memory in the process of forming national identity, as history does not only inform about the past, but also contributes to the understanding of the present, helps to construct the future, taking into account the experience. Cultural and spiritual values are of particular importance in this process. Among the priorities are national dignity, freedom, justice, patriotism, unity and integrity of Ukraine. Conclusions. In the article it is identified the decisive role of the national education system with local history in the structure of educational work on the formation of state consciousness and patriotic feelings in children, youth and adult citizens of our country.
Article Details
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