Functioning of state commissions regarding the assessing the damage caused by Nazi occupants and their partners to the economy and citizens in Odesa region

Main Article Content

O. Fedorchenko


Summary. The purpose of the article is to analyze the activity of the State organs regarding the crimes caused by the Nazi occupants and their partners in Odesa Region and to enlighten the peculiarities of their functioning.

Scientific novelty. On the basis of the archival materials, the mechanism of the activity of the State organs in establishing crimes committed by the Nazi occupants in 1941-1944 in Odesa Region has been analyzed. The achievements and miscalculations of the commissions assessing damage caused by the Nazis of all the levels in Odesa Region have been set. Some amount of archival materials has been added to the scientific analysis.

Methodology of the research. Viewing the fact that the research topic is at the junction of law, public administration and history, the research has a complex and interdisciplinary character. Accordingly, the research is based on the principles of systematicity, objectivity, dialectics, and historism. The systemic principle is applied to the legal facts as to the system with peculiar regularities and connections. The principle of objectivity helps to analyze the phenomena without the researcher’s involvement. The dialectic principle gives possibility to consider events and facts in their relationship. The principle of historism foresees the research of historical facts in the dynamics of their development.

Originality of the research. The research is independent and original. Besides, its practical value consists in researching the activity of the State organs regarding the damage caused by the Nazis and their allies, the achievements and miscalculations of the State commissions. The research results will help the Ukrainian authorities not to make the same mistakes and can also be used during the preparation of the materials to accuse the war criminals and gain the compensation of damage caused to Ukraine and its citizens from russia.

Conclusions. The Regional and District commissions to assess damage caused by the Nazis in Odesa Region were formed by the principle of the Republican and Union commissions to assess damage caused by the Nazis. The main work was done by the Lower commissions created in collective farms, enterprises, organizations and establishments and by the District commissions, which previously summarized the materials. Despite the help of the correspondent competent organs and their investigations, the professionalism of these commissions remained low.

The activity of the Regional and Lower commissions was planned to be short-termed, and the commissions heads powers over its members and the Lower commissions were not at all determined. The leadership was carried out in a manual mode and held on the people positions in the (Communist) party and State organs and on their informal authority. The planned temporary nature of the commissions provided for the establishment of clear deadlines for the tasks performance, bordering partly on insanity and tyranny.

As a result, the reporting deadlines were postponed several times. The latter affected the objectivity of the reports and a priori had an unsatisfactory assessment of the commission, which subsequently had a negative impact on its efficiency. At the same time, the materials collected by the Regional Commission in the Odesa Region became part of the indictment at the Nuremberg Trials.

Article Details

Author Biography

O. Fedorchenko

Oleh FEDORCHENKOCandidate Historically Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the department of the Department of General Law disciplines, Kherson Faculty of Odesa State University of Internal Affairs Odesa, Ukraine



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