Excursions around City of male gymnasium students of Kyiv in the Modern Era

Main Article Content

I. Kalinin


Abstract. The purpose. The article, based on archival and literary sources, examines the development of excursion activities of students of Kyiv men’s gymnasiums of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the context of their everyday life. In Ukraine, the modern era was marked by great changes in the socio-economic and cultural spheres. It was at this time that the excursion business received a new impetus for its development. Conclusions. The article highlights the process of formation of state regulation of student tourism in the Russian Empire in the late imperial period. The methods, plans, types, routes, directions, process, factors and means of organizing and conducting gymnasium excursions in Kyiv and its suburbs are considered.

Article Details

Author Biography

I. Kalinin

Ihor KALININ  – Master, Lecturer, Private Higher Education Institution «Kyiv Medical University», city of Kyiv



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