Popular scientific works of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in contemporary historiographic discourse

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L. Dutko


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the process of understanding the popular scientific works of M. Hrushevsky in modern Ukrainian historiography. The research methodology involves the use of the principles of objectivity, historicism, and systematicity, as well as general scientific and special-historical methods typical for historiographical research. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the little-known problem of the reception of M. Hrushevsky's popular scientific works in the historiography of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. Conclusions. In the end, it was noted that the scientific popularization carried out by M. Hrushevsky with the help of various forms and methods received considerable attention in modern Ukrainian historiography. Updating considerable deposits of diverse source material (primarily epistolary, diaries and memories), researchers over the last three decades have comprehensively worked out numerous aspects of the nationally conscious discourse of the prominent historian. As a result, we observed an increase of thorough studies on the problems of the motivation of his popular work (F. Shevchenko, V. Smoliy, R. Pyrig, V. Telvak), its theoretical and methodological foundations (V. Kuhar, I. Hyrych, V. Ulyanovsky, V. Telvak), issues and discursive practices (V. Shevchuk, A. Trubaychuk, S. Kulchytskyi, Ya. Malik), features of publication and dissemination (V. Kavunnyk, M. Kapral, A. Felonyuk), reception (V. Telvak, N Romantsova) and others. Thanks to this, we have a picture of M. Hrushevsky's nationally conscious service, which is quite saturated with facts and assessments, that convincingly certify him as a significant public intellectual of the first third of the 20th century in Ukrainian culture.

At the same time, the significant achievements noted above allow us to identify promising subjects of research on the work of Hrushevsky-popularizer. First of all, let us point out the considerable selectivity of historiographers, because of the more than 120 popular scientific works of the historian known today, no more than a dozen have been covered by scientific analysis. Also, not all periods of the scientist's popularizing work have been adequately researched. In this sense, there is practically no information about the last decade of his work, even though the scientist's popular science studies during 1924–1934 continued to go beyond the borders of the Bolshevik state, fulfilling its important enlightening mission. In the end, the unrealized nationally conscious projects of M. Hrushevsky should be considered as an independent problem, which will also serve as a reference point for searching for currently unknown manuscripts or publications. As a result, the implementation of these and other problems will allow us to approach the creation of an independent panoramic study about M. Hrushevsky as a scientific popularizer.

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Author Biography

L. Dutko

Liubomyr DUTKOPostgraduate Student of the World History and Special Historical Disciplines Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine



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