Socio-political activity of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in the mirror of anniversary publications of 1916

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M. Nesterenko


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to find out the peculiarities of M. Hrushevsky’s contemporaries' understanding of his social and political activities in the context of celebrating the scientist's half-century anniversary. The research methodology involves the use of principles (objectivity, historicism, and systematicity), general scientific (historical, logical, generalization, analysis, and synthesis) and special-historical (genetic, comparative, typological, psychological, etc.) methods of historiographical research. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the little-known problem of the attitude of contemporaries to various aspects of M. Hrushevsky’s social and political activity in the context of celebrating his fiftieth anniversary. Conclusions. In the end, it was noted that the half-century anniversary of M. Hrushevsky became a notable event of Ukrainian intellectual life. Despite being separated by the borders of the warring states, Ukrainians were united in understanding the phenomenal national service of one of their leaders. Thus, the date of birth of the outstanding scientist became an important factor in the all-Ukrainian spiritual unity, to which he devoted his creative energy at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The commemoration of the anniversary was also important for contemporaries to realize the versatility of M. Hrushevsky’s public service. Observers proved that not only the journalistic and popularizing activity of the historian but also his scientific, organizational and publishing work had a powerful social resonance because they were aimed at modernizing all aspects of the lives of his compatriots. Therefore, for the first time in the literature, the leading role of the scientist as a public intellectual in the all-Ukrainian movement of that time was pointed out. This leadership status was confirmed by the symbolic inclusion of M. Hrushevsky into the national Pantheon alongside T. Shevchenko and M. Drahomanov. This created the prerequisites for the appearance of the image of “Hrushevsky-father” in the journalism of the revolutionary era.

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Author Biography

M. Nesterenko

Mykhailo NESTERENKOPostgraduate Student of the World History and Special Historical Disciplines Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine



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