Hybrid warfare: directions and definitions

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O. Lazorenko


Abstract. The aim is to the term “hybrid war” taking into account some of its evolution, especially after the events of the Ukrainian revolution and the annexation of Crimea. The scientific novelty of the analysis lies in presenting a view on the characterization of the term “hybrid warfare” taking into account modern political, economic, and cultural realities. Conclusions. The concept of hybrid warfare is dynamic and multifaceted, depending on the context and source. The variety of definitions and approaches to this concept indicates the complexity of the phenomenon, which encompasses not only military aspects but also political, economic, informational, and socio-cultural aspects of modern conflicts. Hybrid warfare is a product of the modern world with its new technologies and means of communication, and understanding it is important for developing security strategies and addressing contemporary geopolitical challenges.

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Author Biography

O. Lazorenko

Oleksandr LAZORENKO - Postgraduate, Department of World History and International Relations, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine



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