The peasant revolution in Transdnieper Ukraine in the first decades of the 20th century: ethno-cultural aspects
Main Article Content
The purpose of the article is to reveal the forms of socio-political revolutionary behavior of the peasantry, determined by ethno-cultural features and connected with the solution of the national question in Transdnieper Ukraine.
Methodology. The article provides an attitude to the concept of the peasant revolution of the first decades of the 20th century as reliable. The essence of the concept is to consider the peasantry as an independent socio-political force, not subject to other social layers and political parties. Since the question of the interaction of the peasant revolution with the Ukrainian national revolution arose in the scientific literature, this circumstance called for the presented article. In the process of researching the raised problem, the provisions of the theory of the peasant revolution of L. Kritzman about the objectivity of the process of acquiring a national character by the revolutionary struggle of the peasantry, overcoming during the revolution the national oppression of the peasantry by ethnic composition are taken into account.
Scientific novelty. The presented article proves the influence of the ethno-cultural features of the Ukrainian peasantry on its political behavior, which was manifested in the use of historical traditions of armed struggle, the idea of its ethno-territorial space, which should be protected, and the awareness and defense of its own cultural features. The conclusion is proposed that in the conditions of social cataclysms, each of the socio-political forces carries out revolutionary transformations in accordance with their own aspirations, and the peasant revolution is separate from the Ukrainian revolution of the complex revolutionary process of the first decades of the 20th century.
Conclusions. A layer with conscious ethnicity and readiness to protect national interests and ethnic territory emerged from among the Ukrainian peasantry. The peasant revolution independently resolved the national issue and was not a direct component of the struggle for the Ukrainian People's Republic, was not part of the historical phenomenon known as the Ukrainian revolution. In the conditions of the revolutionary events of the beginning of the 20th century each of the socio-political forces carried out revolutionary transformations in accordance with their own ideas and programs. The policy of Ukrainization implemented in the post-revolutionary period should be considered a direct consequence of the peasant revolution. At the same time, the ethno-cultural characteristics of the peasantry turned out to be insufficient for national unity and the formation of authorities corresponding to the interests of the peasantry.
Article Details
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