Work of prisoners of war in agriculture in the territory of Naddniprianshchyna in 1914–1918: legal regulations and condition

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O. Karabin


Purpose. The goal is to investigate the issue of legal regulation and labor conditions of German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war in agriculture on the territory of  Ukrainian Naddniprianshchyna in 1914–1918.

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of the legal framework, according to which the labor employment of prisoners of war was regulated, the author revealed the involvement of prisoners of war in agricultural work on the territory of Trans-Dnieper Ukraine in 1914–1918. During the First World War, this issue was extremely relevant, because the use of millions of prisoners of war as a labor reserve had an impact. At the same time, the author elaborated a number of archival sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Conclusions. Despite the fact that on the eve of the First World War the participating countries agreed that prisoners of war were disarmed soldiers of the enemy army and not a labor reserve, the nature of the war of attrition added its own corrections to this statement. The number of prisoners reached millions, and due to the mobilization of the male population in the countries, there was a significant shortage of personnel. This was especially acutely felt in the agriculture of the Russian Empire. In view of this, the imperial government transferred prisoners of war to the zemstvos, despite the fact that this was a violation of the Hague Convention of 1907, and actively involved them in various agricultural works. Both in labor camps and in private farms during the absence of the last mobilized men. The percentage of prisoners of war involved in agriculture was quite high, and the process was regulated by a number of regulatory documents: regulations, rules, instructions and circulars.

Article Details

Author Biography

O. Karabin

Karabin Oleksandr Postgraduate student of the Department of World History and International Relations, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Cherkasy, Ukraine


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