The virtual memorial to the people of Shevchenko University fallen of war «Heroes do not die...» in the formation of historical memory

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T. Vasylyk


Abstract. The purpose of our research is to consider the role of the Virtual memorial to the people of Shevchenko University fallen in war «HEROES DO NOT DIE...» in the preservation and transmission of historical memory.

The scientific novelty. The role of materials of the Virtual memorial to the people of Shevchenko University fallen in war «HEROES DO NOT DIE in the preservation and transmission of historical memory for the first time are considered. The research includes additions to the list of names of students, teachers, employees, and graduates of KNU who died heroically or innocently in Russia's war against Ukraine. The research methodology is based on a set of general scientific principles of historicism, systematicity, objectivity and methods of source analysis.

Conclusions. The materials of the Virtual Memorial were analyzed. It was established that the Virtual Memorial has 38 names of the people of Shevchenko University who died in the war for the independence of Ukraine, starting in 2014, and showed civic patriotism, courage and sacrifice. Collective historical memory is formed precisely on these ideas. Preserving the memory of tragic events should serve humanity as a kind of safeguard to prevent their repetition in the future. This emphasizes the relevance of the article. The online project Virtual memorial to the people of Shevchenko University fallen of war «HEROES DO NOT DIE...» has important significance for the preservation of the historical memory of Ukrainians. This research can be used for further study of the recent history of Ukraine and to preserve the memory of the tragic events that befell the Ukrainian people – the Occupation of Crimea (February 22 – March 18, 2014), the War in the East of Ukraine (2014–2022), the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine (February 24, 2022).


Article Details

Author Biography

T. Vasylyk

Vasylyk Tetiana PhD (History), Leading Journalist of the Communications Center, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



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