Ukrainian historiography of the periodication of the new economic policy (1921-1929) in the years of Ukrainian independence

Main Article Content

L. Shapoval


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to identify modern interpretations by Ukrainian researchers of the chronological framework of the duration of the NEP, to establish a specific date for its introduction and "disintegration", to determine signs of systematicity and functionality in justifying the appropriateness of using the phrase "new economic policy" to determine the limits of the historical period of social development.

The consistent scientific interest of domestic researchers in the topic of NEP issues during 1991-2021 is emphasized. The historical and theoretical problems of the new economic policy are analyzed mainly on the example of the Ukrainian village of the "NEP period". Attention is drawn to the substantiation of the chronological framework of the implementation of the new economic policy in the USSR and its features in various branches of the national economy.

The article states the peculiarities of the subject matter of the predominant studies of the periodization of the NEP, in particular the period of its formation and development, while the fact of leaving the NEP has not been sufficiently studied by historians. The stable scientific interest of researchers in the problems of the NEP during 1990-2000 is emphasized. At the same time, the number of scientific investigations by Ukrainian historians on the history of the NEP, its periodization in 2011-2021, has noticeably decreased.

It is emphasized that in the historical literature on the history of the NEP there is an identification of the periodization of the NEP with the periodization of its study, innovative approaches to highlighting the stages of the functioning of the new economic policy (1921-1929). Conditional interpretations of the NEP chronology are presented ("NEP era", "NEP period", "NEP years", "NEP times"), it is noted that without confirmation by specific dates, they are unconvincing and incorrect.


Article Details

Author Biography

L. Shapoval

Shapoval Larysa – PhD (in History), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Faculty of History and Geography, Poltava V. G Korolenko National Pedagogical University



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