Modern Ukrainian historiography of the famine of 1921-1923 in Ukraine: regional aspect of the problem

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O. Movchan


Abstract. The purpose of our article is to clarify the state of development in modern national historiography of the regional history of the famine of 1921-1923. in Ukraine.

The scientific novelty of the publication is a comprehensive historiographical review of the research of modern domestic historians on the regional history of the famine of 1921-1923 in Ukraine. It is noted on geographical and thematic fields of studying the problem, controversial issues of modern historiographic discourse, prospects for studying the problem.

Conclusions. The study of the famine of 1921-1923. in the Ukrainian SSR in national historiography began in the plane of regional history – within the territorial boundaries of the Odessa Bay. The first intelligence that raised this problem appeared in the 1950-1960s. In the conditions of the modern historiographical process, there has been a sharp quantitative increase in the layer of historical scientific literature on the regional history of the famine and the circle of scholars studying it. The conceptual foundations have changed, thematic fields and geographical boundaries of the study. Initially, the problem was considered within the territorial boundaries of the Southern region of the Ukrainian SSR and its separate administrative-territorial units, mainly the Mykolaiv and Odesa provinces. Over time, explorations appeared devoted to the study of the famine on the territory of the Kremenchuk and Kharkiv provinces, that is, parts of Slobozhanshchyna, which expanded the geographical boundaries of the study, but did not change the idea of its regional character (distribution within the southern and part of the Eastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR), inherited from Soviet historiography, when the territory of famine was determined on the basis of official resolutions recognizing certain territories as lean and eventually starving. Recently, in connection with the discovery of facts of the spread of famine on the territory of the Podilska Bay, which did not have the status of "starving", traditional ideas about the regional nature of the famine of 1921-1923. in the Ukrainian SSR began to be revised. To characterize the scale of this disaster, the term "massive" began to be used, and to assess its causes – "artificial". In our opinion, the characterization of famine as mass actualizes a thorough study of the food situation in all regions of Ukraine, including those that were not declared starving after collecting the "food tax" of 1921-1922.

Article Details

Author Biography

O. Movchan

Movchan Olga - PhD hab. (History), Senior researcher of a Holodomor Research Institute branch, National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide, Kyiv, Ukraine



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