Agrarian history of Ukraine: civilizational approach
Main Article Content
Abstract. The aim is to gain knowledge about the latest methodology of historical and agrarian research in Ukraine, in particular about the civilizational approach, its practical application in individual historical and agrarian research.
The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the fact that the authors analysed the use of the civilizational approach in modern research on agrarian history. In particular, it was established that the civilizational approach is one of the modern methodological approaches in acquiring knowledge about the peasantry. The knowledge obtained on its basis provides a sufficiently complete and well-founded understanding of the civilizational essence of the peasantry, its significance in the global history of humankind, in ethno-social processes, in particular in ethno- and nationogenesis. It is revealed that according to the civilizational approach, firstly, a characteristic feature of the peasantry is ethno-social stability; secondly, agrarian (peasant) type of production in the general historical civilizational development of humankind is always present either as a dominant or as a non-dominant. In this way, agrarian (peasant) civilization is an integral component of universal human civilization or local cultural-historical types; thirdly, for the civilizational development of humankind, the emergence of agriculture and peasantry was of enormous importance, causing a tectonic shift in human civilization at that time, determining its progress; fourthly, the confirmation of the civilizational phenomenality of the peasantry is the clearly expressed dichotomy of the interdependence of human and nature; fifthly, the peasantry, its life played the role of the main regulator of the social rhythm of society; sixthly, a peasant is a rational subject, endowed with a practical mind, which is critical of the external, new, not in a hurry to abandon traditions – knowledge that ensures his livelihood, tested by more than one generation of ancestors; seventhly, peasant life is a life logically taken in maximum purity, cleansed of everything extraneous to it: eighthly, in the ethno-sociogenesis of certain communities, in particular Ukrainian, the peasantry preserves traditional culture in a broad sense, it forms the background of any culture, although it remains invisible the whole time, is the basis of the formation of nations in general and Ukrainian in particular; ninthly, culture for the peasant is a tool designed to ensure his existence.
At the same time, generalizations offered on the basis of the civilizational approach do not always take into account regional specificities and peculiarities of cultural-historical, local civilizational variations. Taking this into account, there are enough reasons to reasonably claim that the civilizational approach represents a heuristic value in understanding the peasantry as a civilizational phenomenon and is unproductive in the study of specific agrarian communities at a certain chronological stage.
Article Details
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