Resolution of issues of protection of monuments of history and culture in Cherkasy region (1950–1980): historical aspect

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S. Antoniuk


Introduction. Cherkasy region is a center of concentration of monuments of historical and cultural heritage, imperishable evidence of events and processes that had an impact on the course of not only Ukrainian, but also European and world history. Preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the region is an important component of the revival of the national and historical and cultural self-identification of the Ukrainian society. The study of historical aspects of solving the issue of protection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments contributes to a more complete awareness of the importance of the contribution to the theory and practice of this work by statesmen and associates of the Soviet era, despite the ideological and political pressure of the time.

The purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the content of solving the issues of protection of historical and cultural monuments in Cherkasy Oblast and to analyze attempts to implement monument protection and historical-cultural programs in the region during the 1950s-1980s.

Results. The article highlights the attempts to implement monument protection and historical and cultural programs in Cherkasy in the 1950s - 1980s. It is found that certain steps in the plane of the systematic solution of the problems of protection of historical and cultural monuments can be traced from the 1950s x years, when decisions were made at various levels that related to both historical and cultural complexes and some of the most important monuments. It was observed that this practice became widespread, first of all, during the preparation of long-term and large-scale monument protection measures, mainly in connection with the commemoration of outstanding people and events and the celebration of anniversaries. It is shown that the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments took an active part in the preservation of monuments of historical and cultural heritage in Cherkasy Oblast. Attention is focused on the fact that the key steps in the popularization of historical and cultural monuments, systematic measures for the immortalization of important events and the veneration of historical figures were carried out from the standpoint of the ideology of the time. It has been proven that the development of monument protection work in Cherkasy region in 1950-1980 was of a contradictory nature.

Conclusion. Thus, activities in the field of protection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments during 1950-1980 were controversial. Although significant in scope was carried out regarding the protection and preservation of monuments of the Soviet era, many historical and cultural monuments remained overlooked. These monuments were connected with the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and other ideologically unacceptable events of the national history.

Article Details

Author Biography

S. Antoniuk

Antoniuk Sofiia – graduate student of the department of archeology and special branches of historical science of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


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