Scientific societies in Kamianets-Podilskyi – the center of scientific thought in Podillia in the first quarter of the 20th century

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O. Kadeniuk
V. Nesterenko


Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes and investigates the activities of scientific societies in Podillia, in particular in Kamianets-Podilskyi, which became the main center of formation of scientific societies in Podillia in the first quarter of the twentieth century.

Methods. The use of systemic and source analysis, synthesis and special historical methods made it possible to analyse some aspects in the process of formation, establishment and genesis of scientific societies in Podillia in the first quarter of the twentieth century.

Results. The article analyzes and investigates the activities of scientific societies in Podillia, in particular in Kamianets-Podilskyi. From 1911 to 1916, the "Society of Podillia Naturalists and Nature Lovers" was founded here, headed by a prominent scientist, ex-professor of Novorossiysk University Petro Buchynskyi. In the pre-revolutionary period, a significant work in the study of historical antiquities and artifacts of Podillia province was played by the "Podillia Church Historical and Archaeological Society" headed by Mykola Yavorovsky and Yukhym Sitsinsky. In December 1919, a scientific society was organized on the basis of Kamianets-Podilskyi State Ukrainian University. It arose as a result of the Ukrainian national-democratic revolution of 1917-1921. Therefore, unlike previous similar societies, which did not go beyond the official imperial scientific paradigm and published their works in Russian, it was one of the first scientific centers in Ukraine, for which the problems of Ukrainian literature, linguistics, history of Ukraine came to the fore. The working language of the society was Ukrainian. In mid-November 1920, Soviet power was established in Podillia. Some active members of the scientific society left the city over Smotrych. Some active participants of the Ukrainian national liberation struggle (L. Biletskyi, V. Bidnov, S. Bachynskyi) emigrated from Soviet Ukraine, others (like Professor E. Tymchenko) moved to the central scientific centers of the USSR (Kyiv, Odesa). However, despite significant staff losses, the scientific society continued to exist, although it was actually divided into two organizations: Historical and Philological Society and the Society of Exact Sciences.

Conclusion. In the activities of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Scientific Society, three main stages can be distinguished: the first - from 1911 to 1916; the second - from December 1919 to December 1920, during which time it operated on the basis of the Kamianets-Podilskyi State Ukrainian University, uniting outstanding scientists, some of whom were active participants in the Ukrainian national liberation struggle. The priority areas were research on the history, ethnography of Ukraine, Ukrainian linguistics and literary studies; the third stage - the beginning of 1921 and until 1923 - the activities of the Society at the Institute of Public Education. At this time, the communist ideological influence on the subject of scientific research became noticeable. However, due to the high turnover of staff and the uncertainty of its position at the end of 1923, the scientific society at the INO ceased to exist.

Article Details

Author Biographies

O. Kadeniuk

Kadeniuk Oleksandr – ScD (History), Professor of the Department of Law, Professional and Social and Humanitarian Education of the Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University"

V. Nesterenko

Nesterenko Valerii – Ph.D (History), of the Department of Law, Professional and Socio-Humanitarian Education of the Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University"


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