Urkainian peasantry of NEP Period іn the magazine «Ukrainian peasantry»

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J. Goclowski


Introduction. In the study of the problems of the agrarian history of Ukraine from the standpoint of modern methodology, specialized scientific publications and, in particular, the first specialized peasant journal «Ukrainian Peasant» play an important part. One of the leading subject directions of the magazine is the study of the new economic policy (NEP), which replaced «war communism». The analysis shows that the pages of the magazine contain a significant number of publications dedicated to the prerequisites and the very process of implementing the new economic policy (1921–1929), when the problems of modernization of the agricultural sector were acute, on which the stability of the development of the entire economic complex depended.

The purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and subject matter of the magazine «Ukrainian Peasant» and clarify the features of the coverage of the Ukrainian village history in the era of the new economic policy (1921–1929) on its pages.

Metothods includes the principles of scientific objectivity, historicism, systematics, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, historical-comparative, historical-typological.

Results. The author has made historiographic analysis of the process of the new economic policy (1921 – 1929) introduction in Ukraine on the pages of «Ukrainian Peasantry» edition. The attention is concentrated on historical events combined with conditions of socio economic and political development of Ukrainian country life in 1920-th, comprehension and critical estimate of the main trends of the Soviet agrarian policy. It has been cleared up that the subject of research of «Ukrainian Peasantry» publications is the fiscal policy, the dynamics of the prosperous peasant farms development, use of the hired labour in the village, the activity of cooperative units, cultural and educative work and other aspects of Ukrainian peasantry during the NEP (New Economic Policy) period.

Conclusion. Thus, the historiographic review proved that the topic of the NEP period is one of the priorities on the pages of "Ukrainian Peasant". Highlighting the process of implementation on of the NEP (1921–1929), the authors focused special attention on the analysis of historical events related to the conditions of development of the socio-economic and political life of the Ukrainian village in the 1920s, the clarification and critical evaluation of the main directions of the Soviet policy in the village. The subject of research in the publications of "Ukrainian Peasant" was fiscal policy, the dynamics of the development of prosperous peasant farms, the use of hired labor in the countryside, the activities of cooperative associations, cultural and educational work, and other aspects of the life of the Ukrainian peasantry during the NEP period.

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Author Biography

J. Goclowski

Goclowski Jacek – graduate student of National University Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky the Department of Archeology and special branches of history science


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