The pedagogical activities of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in the Lviv period in the mirror of modern Ukrainian historiography

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I. E. Pavlos


Abstract. Introduction. Ukrainian historiography has accumulated considerable experience in the study of the Lviv historical school of M. Hrushevsky from the beginning of its operation as one of the first scientific centers of Ukrainian studies. In independent Ukraine, Hrushevsky studies gained special intensity due to the need to restore the strength of the national historiographical tradition and the discovery of a large number of new sources. As a result, the study of historiographic subjects deepened and the volume of research tasks increased. The problems of M. Hrushevsky's scientific school occupied one of the prominent places in modern historical and pedagogical publications. Therefore, the results of Hrushevsky studies works need a separate reflection in order to identify the main trends and determine research perspectives.

The article aims to summarize the process of historiographical understanding of the phenomenon of the Galician school of Ukrainian studies of M. Hrushevsky in modern Ukrainian historiography.

Results. It has been proven that the work of a prominent historian at Lviv University on the education of a new generation of Ukrainian scholars is the focus of modern pedagogical Hrushevsky studies. The leading historiographical trend of the researched period is the constant increase of storylines by our contemporaries when referring to the scholarly practices of M. Hrushevsky on the Galician soil. This led to the appearance of solid studies on the structure of the Lviv school, studies of its communicative practices and psychological climate, clarification of the diverse creative work of representatives of the Ukrainian studies center, reconstruction of the student audience of the author of "History of Ukraine-Rus", etc.

Originality. For the first time, the modern Ukrainian historiography of the pedagogical activity of M. Hrushevsky at Lviv University has been summarized.

Conclusion. The historiographical analysis proved that there are currently no studies of the Lviv historical school as a component of the scholastic space of Lviv and Habsburg Galicia in general. Such a study would highlight the original and traditional in pedagogical work of M. Hrushevsky in a broad scientific context. It also seems interesting to trace the impact of the pedagogical work of a prominent historian on the scholarly practices of his prominent students (for example, I. Krypyakevich, Z. Kuzeli, and S. Rudnytskyi), who often had students and created youth research centers to facilitate their work.

Article Details

Author Biography

I. E. Pavlos

Pavlos Ivona Ewa – Applicant at the Department of History of Ukraine, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University


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