Diasporic Hrushevsky Studies: from an idea to a disciplinary structure

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M. Sabinskyi


Abstract. Introduction. The widespread celebration of the centenary of M. Hrushevsky by the Ukrainian diaspora in 1966 generated a powerful research impulse focused on a comprehensive understanding of his national service. During the following years, this impulse was realized in conceptual-methodological, scientific-organizational and concrete-historiographical aspects. Among them, the first component turned out to be the most significant for the further diversification of the disciplinary field of Ukrainian historiography. It provided for increased reflection on the delineation of the problem-thematic field and the definition of the conceptual foundations and methodological tools of L. Vynar’s initiative to start a new Ukrainian studies field of Hrushevsky studies. In view of the mentioned importance, the urgent task is the reconstruction of the main milestones of the disciplinary formation of this historiographic direction.

The article aims to clarify the peculiarities of the disciplinary formation of Hrushevsky studies as a direction of Ukrainian studies during the second half of the 20th century.

Results. From the moment of its establishment in 1966, Hrushevsky studies have dynamically passed the path from the articulation of the idea of the need for its establishment to a respectable academic field with a full arsenal of disciplinary components. This relatively short process of disciplinary formation symbolically ended in the year marking the half-century of Hrushevsky’s death, as evidenced by the conceptual text of the founder of the new direction. In it, the thematic structure and conceptual and methodological foundations of Hrushevsky studies were proposed, as well as the priority tasks for the followers of the new direction were defined. It is noteworthy that both the theoretical proposals and most of the solid historiographic studies of that time belonged to one researcher – L. Vynar. Thanks to his understanding of the need for interdisciplinary cooperation for a proper understanding of the phenomenal national service of M. Hrushevsky and his organizational talent to create research networks, Hrushevsky studies gained academic legitimacy in the disciplinary space of Ukrainian studies.

Originality. The article for the first time elucidates the disciplinary formation of Hrushevsky studies as a direction of Ukrainian studies.

Conclusion. The disciplinary initiative of L. Vynar on the establishment of scientific Hrushevsky studies summarized the long process of historiographical understanding of the national phenomenon of the author of «History of Ukraine-Rus». His thorough theoretical proposals turned out to be timely, which is evidenced by the significant interest in Hrushevsky studies in the academic environment of recent decades.

Article Details

Author Biography

M. Sabinskyi

Sabinskyi Mykhailo, Postgraduate Student, Department of World History and Special Historical Disciplines, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University


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