The South-East Anatolia Project (Gьneydoрu Anadolu Projesi) as a means of leveling the disproportions of regional development in the Republic of Turkey

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O. Memish


Abstract. The purpose is to find out the main goals and stages of the South-Eastern Anatolia Project, to analyze the successes and failures of its implementation, to study the socio-economic effect of the project in terms of equalizing disparities in the development of the regions of Turkey.

Scientific novelty the paper is the first subject research in Ukrainian historiography related to the South-Eastern Anatolia Project.

Result. The paper describes the process of formation and implementation of the Gьneydoрu Anadolu Projesi (GAP) as a multi-sectoral integrated regional project aimed at developing the south-eastern region of Turkey, the main phase of which was completed during 1977 – 2010, and some components continue for current time. The author substantiates that the GAP has become not only a means of eliminating the disparity in the socio-economic development of the regions of Turkey, but also a tool for non-violent settlement of the «Kurdish issue».

It is concluded that the GAP implementation made possible to partially eliminate the disparity in the development of the leading north-western and depressed south-eastern regions, increase the welfare of the population of South-Eastern Anatolia and ensure relative social stability. GAP increased the volume of hydropower production and increased the area of   irrigated agriculture. The Project provided more than 3 million new job places in South-Eastern Anatolia over twenty years. GAP created an extensive network of educational and healthcare institutions in the region, to build a large-scale infrastructure.


Article Details

Author Biography

O. Memish

Memish Oksana – PhD (History), the lecturer of the Department of Archaeology and Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


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