Television space of Cherkasy region during the Orange revolution: an attempt to assess the expert environment

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O. Malyovana


Abstract. Introduction. The author’s interest in the proposed problem as a separate aspect of the study is due to her general interest in the particularly important role of the media in Ukrainian society in recent decades. The assessment of the expert environment of the Ukrainian television space during the Orange Revolution (2004) is designed to clarify both the role of the media in the events of that time and to show the general trend of democratic processes in this environment sensitive to any transformational changes. To better understand the problem, the author conducted a comparative analysis of the expert environment in a dual approach: on the one hand, she compared Cherkasy with other regions (Luhansk, etc.), on the other, as she could reconcile pro-government and opposition content of the phenomenon. This made it possible to clarify the main, the most significant characteristics of the media’s adaptation to the new socio-political and informational realities associated with Ukraine’s exit from the post-Soviet state.

Purpose. Author craves to clarify one of the west researched problem of the Orange revolution – representation of events in the television space, having chosen for this one of the relatively «calm» regions – Cherkasy region.

Results. Media (television) space with which Ukrainian society, him socially active part entered in revolution what named «Orange», was surprising corrupt, adjustable, in general, pro-government. Expect from such media comprehensive support of those in demand time of change – it was not necessary. However, experience of Cherkasy region (and others regions) showed, that many things worked out «to arrange» already in progress unfolding events. It was caused in particular by fact of involvement to the revolutionary movement of many influential politicians and businessmen. It turned out so, that some of them slowed down democratic processes and other helped them. In general, perturbations in the television space in the period of Orange revolution were rather a tribute of time, caused by logic and nature of population resistance. This among other things meant qualitative changes, which covered the Ukrainian journalism in general, and Cherkasy in particular, at least in terms of media space. The fact, that there were quietly used on television different views, gaves reason to think, that democratic changes, the emergence of independent journalism, acquire a steady trend.

Conclusion. Comprehensive assessment expert environment of TV space period of the Orange revolution, testified, that in the conditions democratization of socio-political life, Ukrainian journalist as such, was able to perfome together with the information function, also the function of criticism and social control. All together testified steady trend of formation in the first decade of 21-t century democratic principles of modern Ukrainian society.

Article Details

Author Biography

O. Malyovana

Malyovana Olga – graduate student of the Department of History of Ukraine, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


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