Reevacuation: the return of the Odessa institute of noble maiden to Odessa (1856)

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A. Korobchuk


The events of the Russian-Ukrainian war necessitated the solution of a number of issues in the organization of the educational process. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in 2015, 18 state higher education institutions have been evacuated from the occupied territories. A phenomenon in the education system of the Russian Empire XVIII - XIX century there was the emergence of women’s schools, institutes of noble maiden. Odessa Institute of Noble Maiden is a closed privileged educational establishment in the south of the Russian Empire, which belonged to the 1 st level of the department of Empress Maria establishments. The article deals At the beginning of the Crimean War, the old building of the Odessa Institute of Noble Maiden was dangerous for the location of a women’s educational institution, so the leadership filed a motion to move. The author considers the return of the Institute for evacuation in Voznesensk to Odessa.

The research aim to characterize the process of solving the main problem of the Odesa Institute of Noble Maiden after the Crimean Warм – the relocation of the evacuation institution in Voznesensk to Odesa.

The research methods are based on the main principles of historicist tradition, scientific objective, comprehensive approach and data classification. Conclusions. The return of the institution to Odessa in 1856 was a priority issue for the leadership of the Institute. As a result of negotiations, the institution was housed in the walls of the Richelieu Lyceum. By agreement of the parties, the amount of rent was fixed at 4,000 per year, and the term of the Institute’s stay in this building was three to four years.

Article Details

Author Biography

A. Korobchuk

Korobchuk Anna – Assistant Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Law of Odessa state academy of civil engineering and architecture


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