Prerequisites and organizational measures for the establishment of the magazine “Ukrainian Peasant”

Main Article Content

J. Goclowski


Introduction. The article analyzes the prerequisites for the creation the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy peasant journal ”Ukrainian Peasant”, considers measures to organize its publication. It is stated that the university in the 1990’s became an important center for the study of agricultural history of Ukraine. In particular, all-Ukrainian symposia on agrarian history were launched, a peasant research institute, a society of agrarian historians were established, and a number of monographs and articles by university scientists were published.

The purpose of the article, which is to characterize the degree of development of the problems of agrarian history of Ukraine in the pages of the magazine ”Ukrainian Peasant” and determine its place and role in the development of historiography of this important part of Ukrainian history.

Results. Ukraine’s independence was marked by profound reforms not only in all spheres of social and economic life of the state, but also in methodological approaches to the assessment of historical processes, events and phenomena by scientists. Historians have opened up completely new prospects for the study of topical issues, the development of which would previously be impossible, as well as the introduction into scientific circulation of unknown documentary sources.

Conclusion. Thus, the preconditions for the founding of the Ukrainian Peasant were active work on the history of the Ukrainian peasantry, which was carried out at the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy in the second half of the 1990s, laying the foundations of a scientific school on this issue. With the expansion of the scope of research work there was an urgent need for a periodical scientific publication of peasant studies. The logical conclusion of a number of organizational measures was the decision to establish a specialized scientific publication ”Ukrainian Peasant”, which began publishing in 2001.

Article Details

Author Biography

J. Goclowski

Goclowski Jacek – graduate student of National University Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky the Department of Archeology and special branches of history science


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