The deviant behavior USSR juvenile citizens in 1945–1954 (the source aspect)
Main Article Content
The article focuses on the source base analyses of juvenile citizens’ deviant behavior manifestation after German-Soviet war. In the context of contemporary realia the exploration of postwar child dimension is of great practical importance and actuality, yet the major part of juvenile Ukrainians witness the war realia. The author mentions that the increase of the child deviant behavior is the major impulse for this study. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to historical solution of the child deviation problem during postwar period. The base source of the question is under-investigated which contributes to the studies of the problem topicality.
The aim: to focus on the source base analyses of juvenile citizens’ deviant behavior manifestation.
During scientific research of the above-mentioned problem, the author calls great attention to the initial sources of information – archive materials. The central archives are in the first place. The prices are the published documents, the majority of which are the compilations of documents and materials that illustrate the postwar events. The author classifies them into several groups.
During scientific research, the author states the source base of juvenile citizens’ deviant behavior during postwar period is specific and diverse. The study of the problem is more complicated due to secret materials and lack of access to archival organizations of East Ukrainian regions. Therefore, the author does not claim to cover the problem completely, continuing the search of it.
Article Details
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