The dynamics and regions features of the Ukrainian people employment in 90th of the XX century

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K.M. Nikolayets


Main factors were defined, which affect on the dynamics and defined regions features of the Ukrainian people employment for 1990th. The effect of the spread the «shadow» economy on the development of the market of job in Ukraine was highlighted. Proved that the government policy on employment has led to the fact that on the beginning of XXI century unemployment was most common in Volyn, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky regions where its level, taking into account the hidden exceeded the critical threshold rate of more than 2–3 times. Low cost remained the national workforce. At the beginning of XXI century nearly a quarter of the working population receiving incomes below the minimum wage. In most regions of Ukraine the level of average nominal wage of employees for a long period did not exceed the poverty line.

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