Conceptual problems of transition to sustainable development in the agriculture

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Anatoliy Georgievuch Morozov


Introduction. Today there is no doubt that further effective development of domestic agriculture – the guarantor of food security of the nation, – can be achieved only if the transition to sustainable principles development.This transitioncan be ensured only with the priority of innovative categorical values and principles. The scientific basis of this restructuring, in our opinion, could be integrated ecosystem approach.

The purpose of researchis the revision of the past and setting new conceptual problems of sustainable development in the agricultural sector, the search for their solutions and ways of prevention.

Methods of researching represents by:structural analysis, system analysis, comparative method; statistic method; generalization; the complex of methods of ecohistory.

Results. The concept of agriekosystem is the result of the concept of ecosystems into agricultural land. The problem is the stereotypical perception of agriecosystems by people through the prism of object-subject relationship. This leads to the removal of human out of limits of ecosystems and only as by economic and managerial influence.

In the structure of agricultural ecosystem decided to allocate three main subsystems social, nature and the technical or economic. Conventionally, they can be described as Man, Nature, Economy. Communication Man Economics is bilateral and has a positive meaning. Communication Economics Nature is one-sided and has a negative meaning. Communication Nature Man is mainly one-sided and has a positive meaning.Among a number of conceptual problems of sustainable agriculture occupies a prominent place as a geographical dimension, and, in fact, the problem of optimal landscape organization. It must be noted that most of the projects implementing the concept of sustainable development are reduced to the idea of rationing anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems.

The problem is the implementation of sustainable development requires ensuring the stability of the natural component of agro-ecosystems. Stability a generic property of living systems, which characterizes its normal genetic program for development in specific environmental conditions.

Originality. The authors of the revisionist position analyzed previous and new conceptual problems of sustainable development in the agricultural sector, offered solutions and ways of prevention. In contrast to existing scientific paradigm that prevailed under the domination of technocratic thinking is justified by the effectiveness of the systems approach.


Conclusion. Methodological shortcomings of existing scientific paradigms prevailing within the dominating of technocratic thinking, lies in the fact thata detailed study of individual components of agro-ecosystems are ignored principles of interaction of these components with each other and cause-effect relationships. It makes impossible the complex analysis of functioning of ecosystems. The key to finding a new theoretical framework and address a number of conceptual and vital issues lies in the concept of sustainable development.The concept of sustainability and stability of the system referred us to the categorical apparatus where sustainability is understood as a dynamic process of interaction countervailing processes.This removes the aforementioned contradictions. It is on the system (ideally in the system and energy) basis should be conducted scientific research and practical implementation of sustainable development model.

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