Illegal archeological excavations in Crimea occupied by the Russian Federation

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A. Kasian


Abstract. Introduction. Russia’s occupation of Crimea in 2014 made it impossible for Ukrainian researchers to access archeological sites of the peninsula. Therefore, for Ukrainian archeologists now it is Important to record violations of Ukrainian law and international law in the field of archeology.

Purpose. Find out the situation with illegal archeological excavations in the occupied Crimea, which led to the damage, destruction or removal of archeological artifacts from the peninsula.

Results. The state of archeological science in Crimes after the Russian occupation, contacts of Ukrainian and Russian archeologists after 2014 are analyzed. The mechanisms used by the Ukrainian side to counteract illegal archeological excavations and export of valuable artifacts outside the peninsula based on international experience are highlighted.

It has been found that currently the only available way to counter illegal archeological research in the occupied Crimea is to impose sanctions on individuals and institutions.

“The Crimean Regional Center for Archeological Research” has been identified as one of the most odious organizations involved in archeological support for the construction of large infrastructure facilities in Crimea. The construction of the “Tavrida” highway and the Kerch bridge and related communications cause significant damage to archeological monuments. During this time, a number of interesting discoveries were made in the Crimea. These finds could be Russian archeologists as if they were found legally.

Originality. The author carried out a scientific analysis of the state of archeological science in the Russian-occupied Crimea, on the basis of which he makes theoretical generalizations and provides practical recommendations.

Conclusion. Illegal archeological excavations after the Russian occupation of Crimea are threatening. The scale of the so-called rescue and planed archeological excavations has increased several times compared to the time before the occupation. Dangerous trend are the export of valuable artifacts to Russia and participation in some expeditions of foreign researchers. Currently, the Ukrainian side does not have effective means to stop illegal archeological excavations and the removal of artifacts. However, careful and systematic recording of all cases of illegal archeological research is needed. It should be carried out by the method of constant monitoring of the sites of Russian scientific institutions operating within the peninsula, and analysis of Russian and foreign professional archeological publications, where the results of research in the Crimea can be published.

Article Details

Author Biography

A. Kasian

Kasian Andrii Candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of History of Ukraine, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


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